People-centred. Results driven!

You can and should have very little stress when it comes to your finances. Having a financial plan in place is essential to that mindset.

London Financial Planning is an independent wealth management firm offering a large range of financial services and products to achieve the financial and lifestyle goals that matter to you and your family. Clients are provided personally crafted personal financial plans to achieve these goals.

Clear, impartial and objective advice for your tax, retirement, estate, protection (insurance), and investment planning is our priority. Working with your accountants, lawyers, real estate agents and other professionals is just part of the service provided.

Portfolio Design and Money Management | Victoria, BC,  the Western Communities of Vancouver Island (such as Langford, Metchosin, Colwood and Sooke) plus all of Southern Ontario.

Portfolio Design and Money Management

Every client is unique. Every investment account should be as well. One client may have three to six different accounts, each with different purposes, time horizons, asset mix, and risk tolerances. Our job is to earn you the highest risk adjusted return after tax, while staying well within your comfort zone.

This is done through access to the best investment managers with proven track records, focus, discipline and standards. We monitor these managers and as the investment climate dictates, move funds accordingly.

Retirement Planning

Before you retire, you want to ensure your wealth will last your lifetime in a lifestyle of your choosing. Your plan will optimize all sources of income, the timing of that income, and be tax efficient while taking into consideration your investment and estate plans.

Retirement Planning | Victoria, BC,  the Western Communities of Vancouver Island (such as Langford, Metchosin, Colwood and Sooke) plus all of Southern Ontario.

Tax Planning | Victoria, BC,  the Western Communities of Vancouver Island (such as Langford, Metchosin, Colwood and Sooke) plus all of Southern Ontario.

Tax Planning

Keeping as much of your income in your hands as opposed to Revenue Canada is a priority for all of us. Decreasing your tax liabilities with strategies such as tax-advantaged investments, estate freezes, and business restructuring are just some of the tools provided.

Estate Planning | Victoria, BC,  the Western Communities of Vancouver Island (such as Langford, Metchosin, Colwood and Sooke) plus all of Southern Ontario.

Estate Planning

Everyone has their own unique family needs and wishes for estate planning. Having clear goals enables your Planner, Lawyer, and Accountant to ensure it is done in the most tax efficient manner while ensuring there is no room for interpretation that could lead to disagreements between your beneficiaries.

Insurance | Victoria, BC,  the Western Communities of Vancouver Island (such as Langford, Metchosin, Colwood and Sooke) and Southern Ontario.


Insurance is an important part of Financial Planning. Your single greatest asset pre-retirement, is the ability to earn income. Once retired some needs are offsetting estate taxes, retirement income, tax-sheltering investments and providing for your estate plan.